Privacy Policy
ERS Biomedical
-Privacy Policy
This website takes every precaution to protect
our users' information. Our entire site, including but not limited to areas
where we ask users to enter sensitive information (such as credit card or bank
account numbers) is encrypted and is protected by an advanced 128-bit
encryption software protocol – SSL. While we use SSL encryption to protect
sensitive information online, we also take steps to protect user-information
off-line. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific task
are granted access to any personally identifiable information. ERS Biomedical.
places the utmost importance on protecting information transmitted via our
website and takes security precautions to protect all such information from
loss, misuse, and alteration. These precautions are regularly reviewed and
enhanced as part of ERS Biomedical’s ongoing commitment to customer security
and privacy. If you have any questions about the security at our website,
please e-mail us at: [email protected]
ERS Biomedical. reserves the right to alter
this policy at any time. Changes will be posted immediately on our
Privacy Policy at ERS Biomedical. we
respect your privacy. Whether you request a catalog, place an on-line order, or
e-mail us, your personal information is handled with your privacy and security
in mind. Information Collection and Use ERS Biomedical collects information
from our users at several points on our website: Registration - In order to use
some functions of this website, a user must first complete a registration form.
During registration a user is required to give their contact information (such
as name, email address).
Ordering - We request information from the
user when completing an order. A user must provide contact information (like
name, phone number, and shipping address) and financial information (like
credit card number, expiration date or a Purchase Order Number). This
information is used specifically for billing purposes and to fill customer's
orders. If we have trouble processing an order, this contact information is
used to get in touch with the user. It is the responsibility of the User to
provide us with correct information.
Cookies -Cookies are bits of information
stored on your computer that enable us to customize your shopping experience
and identify you when you return. Cookies can be disabled, but please keep in
mind that if you do so, your browsing experience may be limited. Log Files - We
use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, and track user
movement only within our website. IP addresses are not linked to personally
identifiable information.
Communications -ERS Biomedical. may also
retain the content of the communications that are sent to our customer service
representatives. Information Use The information collected by ERS Biomedical.
is used to, among other things, aggregate statistical information, facilitate
system administration, improve the content of the website, fill orders, and also
to respond to user requests for information and to otherwise render service. ERS
Biomedical. may also use the information collected to notify site users of
changes to the website, to notify visitors of new products, special promotional
offers, or for other legitimate business purposes. If you do not wish to
receive e-mails from us, please contact our Customer Service.
Confidentiality and Disclosure- ERS
Biomedical. considers the personally identifiable information contained in our business
records to be confidential. ERS Biomedical. does not provide any personally
identifiable information to other companies except when necessary to render
service. We may disclose personally identifiable information about you to our
employees for ERS Biomedical. internal business purposes, as well as to outside
auditors, professional advisors, service providers and regulators. We make
these disclosures when the disclosure is necessary to render, or conduct a
legitimate business activity. We may also maybe required by law or legal
process to disclose certain personally identifiable information about you. ERS
Biomedical. may use and disclose personally identifiable information as
provided for by applicable law in order to perform legitimate business
activity. Some examples: billing and invoicing, administration, surveys,
collection of fees and charges, marketing, service delivery and customization,
maintenance and operations, technical support, hardware and software upgrades, recalls
on products, notifications on product upgrades from manufactures, and fraud
Legal Disclaimer We make every
reasonable effort to protect site user privacy as described. Nevertheless, we
may be required by law to disclose personally identifiable information about a
site user without his or her consent and without notice in order to comply with
a valid legal process such as a subpoena, court order, or search warrant. We
may also use or disclose personally identifiable information about you without
your consent to protect our customers, employees, or property.
Inactivate Online Accounts- An online
account may be inactivated by email request to Customer Service. Inactivation
could take up to 48 hours and only applies to registered online accounts, not
ordering accounts. If there is an urgent security issue, please change the
account password and email address if necessary and contact Customer Service.
Transmission of Information- ERS
Biomedical. transmits personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable
information about you when you receive e-mail, or electronic documents. Our
transmission of this information is necessary to render service. ERS
Biomedical. may use third parties to deliver some features and functions of
service, such as electronic document delivery. These third parties are not
permitted to use your personally identifiable information except for the
purpose of providing their services.
Links- This website contains links to
other sites. Please be aware that ERS Biomedical. is not responsible for the
privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they
leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects
personally identifiable information.
This privacy statement applies solely to
information collected by ERS Biomedical. . Report Suspected Fraud If you
suspect that you’re login information has been misused by other parties or
fraudulent ordering is occurring on your account, please change your password
and contact Customer Service immediately at 727-807-7928 or [email protected]