Thanks so much for visiting our NEW ERSBiomedical online store. Our team is excited to provide you with an impeccable online shopping experience and remains available to assist at any time. If you have questions, comments or concerns about the website, your order or the content found within this website, Please feel free to contact us via telephone or email and one of our experienced team members  will get back to you right away.  Again, thanks for visiting our store and we look forward to serving you in the future.

Address - 11608 Perpetual Drive,  Odessa, FL  33556


General Email - Warehouse - Tech support - [email protected]

DaHelphrey - Service Tech - Tech Support - Bench Service   
33 Years of Service to ERS

Rocky Martinez - Warehouse Manager - Parts 
Our newest member of ERS 

Tom Summer - Field Service Supervisor - Customer Rep - Service Tech  
33 Years of Service to ERS

Don Rogai - Clinical Certification Service Rep - Calibrations and Safety Analysis  
20 Years of Service to ERS

Jesse Coleman - Clinical Certification Service Rep - Calibrations and Safety Analysis  (Lead Tech)  
20 Years of Service to ERS

Marion Helphrey - Accounting - Customer Rep  
 Years of Service to ERS

Steve Roberts  - Sales Coordinator, Logistics, Procurement 
Came with the building when we moved

 Marcy Kubel - Accounting  
10 Years of Service to ERS

Belinda Liss - Inspection / Certification Reporting
19 Years of Service to ERS